August 11, 2018, Shen Wenwen, a partner ofZhejiang Wulian Law firm, was invited by the Bureau of Commerce of HuzhouEconomic and Technological Development Zone to attend the Foreign TradeTraining Conference and to have a lecture. This conference is mainly to dealwith the complicated export situation and expand the new space for foreigntrade.
Theconference was hosted by Jin Yonghe, deputy director of the ManagementCommittee of Huzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone. Zhou Jun,deputy director of Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Ding Guming, Ministerof Legal Department of Huzhou Economic and Trade Promotion Association, and CaoLimin, deputy director of Huzhou Economic and Technological Development ZoneCommercial Bureau, attended the conference. About 40 entrepreneurs, includingthe President and vice President of Huzhou economic and technologicaldevelopment zone, attended the conference.
Atthis conference, Lawyer Shen has combined with the current hot issues ofSino-US trade wars to share the current world economic and trade situation,analyze the Sino-US trade war situation and causes, and what companies shoulddo to respond this kind of situations. Combined with the case, lawyer Shenadvised the company with specific solutions on how to apply for exemption fromthe US 301 tax list. Shen’s lecture was highly praised by the participants.