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Infringement Business Department

Wulian is one of the few law firms equipped with Infringement Business Department in China. The Infringement Business Department is particularly designed to deliver specific legal services to transport companies, insurance companies, consumers, traffic accident casualties, vehicle owners, injured employees, and construction entities, operation management entities and similar entities of airports, expressways, subways, bridges, tunnels, hydropower stations, thermal power stations, urban road, urban plantings, urban crossings and gardens as well as other infrastructures.

Business scope and service content:

Personal injury compensation of traffic accidents;
Personal injury compensation of railway transport, water transportation and air transport;
Infringement of consumer rights and interests;
Particular infringement disputes;
Insurance-related infringement;
Product quality and liability damage compensation;
Injury and safety accidents;
Defense of traffic offense; and
Providing specific infringement liability service or all-round infringement prevention services for construction entities, operation management entities and similar entities of airports, expressways, subways, bridges, tunnels, hydropower stations, thermal power stations, urban road, urban plantings, urban crossings and gardens as well as other infrastructures.

Tel:0086-571-87822111 Fax:0086-571-87801462 Adress:6th floor, Diamond Office Building, Nanxing Community, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou
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